
scodal's life day 101: Wii Fit Plus (and Wii Resorts)

We played a lot of Wii today. Then Brooke and I went to Wal-mart and while we were shopping for games to buy we happened to notice they had two Wii Fit Plus in stock. Even the Wal-mart guy was surprised. He was like 'one more lucky person will be able to buy this game' lol and he was pretty old so the fact he even recognized it was that big of a deal made us feel pretty lucky for finally getting ourselves a Wii Fit Plus. We haven't made great use of it since we've had it but we knew we wanted it and we are going to that is for sure. Near the end of the video you can see us playing lots of the fun games on it. Oh and if you're curious what other games we were playing like the sword fighting and slicing.. that was on Wii Resorts. Subscribe to find out what will happen tomorrow. You can find me online at: scodal.com http facebook.com myspace.com myspace.com scodal.deviantart.com http You can find Brooke online at: twitter.com facebook.com


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