
You Can Improve Your Golf Swing With the Nintendo Wii Plus

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Golfers are always looking for way to improve their golfing. I would spend a good portion of my evenings at the driving range trying to improve my driving, my short game, my approach shot and ultimately my putting. My putting was what killed me on the golf course.

I would also pay for golfing instructor. Golfing easily consumed much of my disposable income, it became an obsession.

If you need help with your golfing, get the Nintendo Wii Plus. The golfing in this game requires the Balance board which measures the shifting of your weight and balance through the swing, which as every golfer knows is crucial through the swinging of the golf club. The swing on the balance board is the same as when I swing on the golf course. I can easily find my self pulling up too soon at the end of my drive shot. This is something that I will have to work with over the next few months.

According to Wii Fit Plus, my Iron shots and my advance shots are as close to perfect as the professionals. It would be nice to go out onto the driving range or even the golf course to check these out, but they are all closed right now. These were always my strong points on the golf course, so I have no doubts that the Wii Fit Plus analysis of my swing is correct.

It is so nice to have the balance board to see how you shift the weight during the swing. Shifting the weight from the back leg to the front is crucial for a good swing. I can not wait to hit the links in the spring.

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