
A Candid Review of Runescape

For those of you who have never heard of the game called Runescape, I'll tell you. You've probably seen this game, if you visit the local library, because it pre-adolescents populate the library of this game every day.

This popular game is a massive multiplayer online role-playing (Wow, is not that a mouthful?)

What makes this game different from other generic RPG games ... E 'online and free!

Runescape back to 2000 by a boylived in the basement of his parents or what they grow and how to obtain a multi-million toys" title="Buy doll">dollar company, because (playing with money at the expense of the game do not worry, you can still add a free account, Runescape, it's just that 'liability is limited)

So what do you do in this game?

Basically, you select a character from the game. And 'your avatar.

You can customize the look. It goes in this virtual world, and you can do whatever you want.

For example,Could kill monsters. If you're lazy, you could cook some. If you're inclined, you can also have their own home. And finally, you can fish, strangely ()

What is the best part of the game? This is all free!

Unlike other games like World of Warcraft (I do not hate, open your World of Warcraft, there are concerns)

Another thing I would say ...

The graphics of this game is free, given its decent in your web browser without special plug-in Java.(Most computers can handle this game, even though 5 years ago)

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